Why you should explore new organic seeds
- Produce the most nutritous food
- Organic gardening is safer for water, soil, wildlife, and people
- Organic gardening asks us to be more curious, creative, intentional, and observant
- Support abundant plant life by gardening organically
Those of us who garden organically live by the motto, “Nature knows best.” Starting from the soil up, organic gardeners reject the world of harmful chemical pesticides that put your plants and family at risk, and understand the need to bring cleaner, healthier produce to their table to create a more earth-friendly existence. Choosing to plant organic seeds is part of this process, as they were harvested from organic plants, grown in organic soil, by gardeners who adhere to strict organic guidelines. Compared to conventionally produced foods, organic foods have higher vitamins and minerals, thanks in part to soil enriched with nutrients and trace minerals. As we continue to search for organic seeds to add to our selection, new and varied varieties will be brought in to help give your garden depth and interest. They all meet the requirements set forth by the National Standard for Organic Agriculture.