Collection: Heirloom Flower Seeds

All 400+ varieties of Eden Brothers’ heirloom flowers are open pollinated, non-GMO and untreated. Heirloom annual and perennial flower seeds are available for every region of the US in a variety of sizes and colors. Discover aster, calendula, poppies, coneflower, and so many other flower seeds that have been grown in our country for centuries. With blooms in spring, summer or fall, your garden will hold a piece of history in the heirloom flower seeds you select.

Shop All 340+ Varieties

  • main-collection-product-grid-clp purple coneflower

    Purple Coneflower Seeds (Echinacea)

    This native perennial is a treasured herbal medicine

    Purple Coneflower Seeds (Echinacea)

    This native perennial is a treasured herbal medicine
    Regular price As Low As $4.49
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.49
  • main-collection-product-grid-clp zinnia pumila

    Zinnia Seeds - Pumila / Cut & Come Again

    The more you cut this prolific variety, the more it blooms

    Zinnia Seeds - Pumila / Cut & Come Again

    The more you cut this prolific variety, the more it blooms
    Regular price As Low As $4.49
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.49
  • main-collection-product-grid-clp Bee Balm/Wild Bergamot

    Bee Balm - Wild Bergamot Seeds

    This thistle-like wildflower is the preferred bloom of bees everywhere

    Bee Balm - Wild Bergamot Seeds

    This thistle-like wildflower is the preferred bloom of bees everywhere
    Regular price As Low As $5.79
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $5.79
  • main-collection-product-grid-clp Black Eyed Susan

    Black Eyed Susan Seeds

    This distinctive wildflower is a North American native and great for a kid's garden

    Black Eyed Susan Seeds

    This distinctive wildflower is a North American native and great for a kid's garden
    Regular price As Low As $4.49
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.49
  • main-collection-product-grid-clp sunflower mammoth

    Sunflower Seeds - Mammoth Grey-Stripe

    A favorite variety for eating and growing, and perfect for a kid's garden

    Sunflower Seeds - Mammoth Grey-Stripe

    A favorite variety for eating and growing, and perfect for a kid's garden
    Regular price As Low As $4.49
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.49
  • main-collection-product-grid-clp russell lupine

    Russell Lupine Seeds

    A blend of vibrant colors to liven up your perennial flower patch

    Russell Lupine Seeds

    A blend of vibrant colors to liven up your perennial flower patch
    Regular price As Low As $4.49
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.49
  • main-collection-product-grid-clp bells of ireland

    Bells of Ireland Seeds

    Unique green spires of bell-shaped florets are a must grow!

    Bells of Ireland Seeds

    Unique green spires of bell-shaped florets are a must grow!
    Regular price As Low As $4.99
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.99
  • main-collection-product-grid-clp Butterfly Milkweed

    Butterfly Milkweed Seeds

    This is no noxious weed, but a beneficial wildflower

    Butterfly Milkweed Seeds

    This is no noxious weed, but a beneficial wildflower
    Regular price As Low As $6.59
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $6.59
  • main-collection-product-grid-clp cornflower dwarf blue

    Cornflower / Bachelor Button Seeds - Dwarf Blue

    One of the easiest flowers to grow from seeds

    Cornflower / Bachelor Button Seeds - Dwarf Blue

    One of the easiest flowers to grow from seeds
    Regular price As Low As $4.49
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.49
  • main-collection-product-grid-clp zinnia thumbelina

    Zinnia Seeds (Dwarf) - Thumbelina

    Excellent for pots, low growing beds, and edges from midsummer to frost

    Zinnia Seeds (Dwarf) - Thumbelina

    Excellent for pots, low growing beds, and edges from midsummer to frost
    Regular price As Low As $4.49
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.49
  • main-collection-product-grid-clp hollyhock indian spring

    Hollyhock Seeds - Indian Spring Mix

    Heirloom biennial known to bloom in its first year

    Hollyhock Seeds - Indian Spring Mix

    Heirloom biennial known to bloom in its first year
    Regular price As Low As $4.49
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.49
  • main-collection-product-grid-clp blue flax

    Perennial Blue Flax Seeds

    Dainty, periwinkle blooms that return season after season

    Perennial Blue Flax Seeds

    Dainty, periwinkle blooms that return season after season
    Regular price As Low As $4.49
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.49
  • main-collection-product-grid-clp foxglove excelsior mix

    Foxglove Seeds - Excelsior Mix

    Add elegance to your garden with these pastel biennial blooms

    Foxglove Seeds - Excelsior Mix

    Add elegance to your garden with these pastel biennial blooms
    Regular price As Low As $4.79
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.79
  • main-collection-product-grid-clp white yarrow

    White Yarrow Seeds

    These classic white blossoms are treasured for their medicinal properties

    White Yarrow Seeds

    These classic white blossoms are treasured for their medicinal properties
    Regular price As Low As $4.49
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.49
  • main-collection-product-grid-clp gayfeather

    Gayfeather / Blazing Star Seeds

    With tall purple, spiky plumes, gayfeather is ideal in containers by the front door

    Gayfeather / Blazing Star Seeds

    With tall purple, spiky plumes, gayfeather is ideal in containers by the front door
    Regular price As Low As $4.79
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.79
  • main-collection-product-grid-clp zinnia envy

    Zinnia Seeds - Envy

    Distinctive green blooms make fabulous bouquet filler

    Zinnia Seeds - Envy

    Distinctive green blooms make fabulous bouquet filler
    Regular price As Low As $4.49
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.49

A huge assortment of over 400 heirloom flower seeds

You might think you know everything about flowers until you visit Eden Brothers’ heirloom flower seeds page. With over 400 varieties of heirloom flower seeds, this is the largest collection of rare and unique heirloom seeds flowers around!

We think all flowers are cool, but heirloom flower seeds are even more spectacular. By definition, an heirloom is a variety that was bred at least fifty years ago. Typically passed down from family member to family member, or through tight-knit communities, heirloom cultivars only go mainstream when picked up by a seed company and mass-produced.

All 400 of these heirloom flower varieties come with the story of particular people and places. At Eden Brothers, we seek to preserve that unique history by growing flowers with personality—the bold and vibrant summer annuals right alongside the soft and subtle perennials.

Have confidence that the heirloom flowers you’ll share with family and friends came from 100% all-natural and non-GMO seed. Eden Brothers' heirloom flower seeds may vary in color, form, and life cycle, but each and every seed is open-pollinated and non-GMO, so you’re guaranteed to have the highest-quality and best-looking flowers in the neighborhood.

Why grow heirloom flower seeds?

Heirloom flower seeds may not be quite as easy as the average hybrid, but these varieties are so rewarding to grow. Help keep biodiversity in the worlds’ seed stock alive by growing heirloom flower seeds in your home garden or flower farm.

Flowers have always served the purpose of bringing people together. You gift flowers to friends to brighten their day, and you send flowers to relatives who’ve lost a loved one so they know they’re not alone. No matter what the occasion, there’s a reason to send flowers—whether to celebrate joy or share sorrow. Show exactly how much you care this year by growing your own heirloom flower seeds, and your extra effort won’t go unnoticed.

Heirloom flowers as companion plants

Consider companion planting heirloom flowers with vegetables for your most productive garden yet. If you need another reason to grow heirloom flowers this year, consider how much more productive your vegetable garden will be with all the pollinators competing for a taste of those delicious-looking, fragrant blooms. Whether or not you intend to plant a pollinator garden, you’re sure to have one this season if you plant even a few of these exquisitely beautiful heirloom flowers.

Why stick to the same standard flowers every year, when you could be discovering rare and unique heirloom flower varieties? We’ve all heard of marigolds and sunflowers, but who do you know who’s already familiar with blanket flower? Or blazing star? Or love-in-the-mist? Impress your friends and family and show off your green thumb by growing these rare and unique heirloom flower seeds. Get to know all the ins and outs of growing flower seeds in our Flower Seed Planting Guide.

Continuing someone else’s legacy is as simple as planting a seed in the ground and watching what happens next. Add your story to those who have gone before us by growing heirloom flowers, and let the mark you leave on the world be nothing but beautiful.