Collection: Hyacinth Bulbs

A fragrant floral favorite (say that three times fast), hyacinth is a classic fall-planted species that produces lovely perennial color during the early spring. Renowned for its adaptability to a multitude of climates and conditions, hyacinth bulbs can be planted just about anywhere with stunning results. These flowers never get old with their tiny, clustered, bell-shaped blooms. Growing in hues of white, orange, peach, yellow, pink, red, purple, and blue—they are sure to impress any passerbys of your garden!

What we love about planting hyacinth bulbs

  • 10 hyacinth bulb varieties
  • Drought tolerant and deer resistant
  • Attracts butterflies and other pollinators
  • Offers small, sweet smelling flowers growing closely around a single stem

What we love about planting hyacinth bulbs

  • 10 hyacinth bulb varieties
  • Drought tolerant and deer resistant
  • Attracts butterflies and other pollinators
  • Offers small, sweet smelling flowers growing closely around a single stem

Grow beautiful hyacinth bulbs in your garden

Hyacinths have sweet-scented bulbs that may be planted in rows or as borders outside, as well as cultivated indoors in pots. Deer, squirrels, rabbits, and rodents are not attracted to this plant so there is little to no reason not to grow these gorgeous, clustering species in your garden this season!

Turkey is where the hyacinth arose. Traders brought them back to Europe in the 1500s. They were eventually brought to the United States. These blooms are said to symbolize peace, commitment, and pride. Hyacinths are fall-planted perennial bulbs that are rather simple to establish if you follow a few simple instructions.

Where to plant hyacinth bulbs

When choosing a planting site for your hyacinths, find a spot with well-draining soil and partial shade. Your soil can be amended with either rich soil, fertilizer, or compost if necessary. Just a few weeks before the ground freezes, plant each bulb about six inches deep with the pointed end facing upward. Space your plants depending on the overall look you're aiming to achieve. The average spacing is about six inches between each plant, but you can plant closer if a dense, compact aesthetic is desired. After planting your hyacinth bulbs, be sure to water them fully.

Hyacinths bloom in the middle of spring and are known for their extended blooming cycle, which can span a month or more. Remove undesirable leaves when the plant dies in the late summer or fall. Your hyacinths should repeat their bright and fragrant spring show year after year if left alone. After a couple of years, you may dig out the bulbs, split them, and replant them.

Great companion plants for hyacinths

Companion plants for hyacniths include pansies, daffodils, tulips, and other cool-weather flowering plants. Create a beautiful contrast with the blue shades of Eden Brothers' Blue Wood Hyacinth Bulbs and the striking red hues of Apeldoorn Elite Tulip Bulbs! If you're still feeling indecisive about your color scheme for the season, maybe try Eden Brothers' Hyacinth Bulb Mix or the Pastel Hyacinth Bulb Mix, both offering a sea of gorgeous and radiant colors for your garden!

For more information about planting, growing, and caring for hyacinth bulbs, see the Hyacinth Bulbs Planting Guide.